314th day: Emotion colors everything


My internship interview went pretty well. I really hope that I can get this social media job.

It’s somewhat similar to the PR campaign I ran the whole last month for our organization’s Across Vietnam festival on campus. And today I received a very sweet note from our school’s Associate Provost “Congratulations to all of you for a fantastic ‘Across Viet Nam Festival.’ You did an amazing job! We are very proud to have you at Truman…”. My heart melted. This kind of thing is the best encouragement for me. That’s why I love doing PR and event planning this much.

Emotion has such a strong power. Even I am going to be all-nighter tonight, due to tons of homework, drawing assignments and another upcoming event preparations, I still feel that today’s such a wonderful day.

315th day: Suit-up & Live Your Dream


I still felt scared, yes, scared, in the second time going to the Career Expo in my University. Of course, less scared than I did the first time, but still. I have prepared for a year, both widened my knowledge and improved my soft skills, tried my best to take every chance I have in PR and event planning area. But it still seems not to be enough.

However, someone has said “If your dreams don’t scare you, they aren’t big enough”. My dreams do scare me, so it’s a great thing. I strongly believe I have been doing great jobs, but Anh, try much harder!

To be honest, I hate wearing my vest. It is hot and makes me look 10 years older. I understand that people judge you by your clothing (well, most of these pre-judgments are wrong, ironically), and you don’t want to have a bad impression on the recruiters. But dress-code should be based on your major and the position you want to apply for. I am communication student; I am supposed to look active, lively and enthusiastic, not serious and cold as accounting students (no offensive). If one day I can be an employer, I would hire those who wear dress up but still have stylist, pony tail, red business skirts or trending shoes for example.

Suit-up, be professional but in your very own way!